In other news, Darby added a few new words to her vocabulary this week. She now says "shoes" (which is the cutest thing, video to come!), "ball" and "fish". I am working on "please" next. I've decided I really want to stress politeness - saying her please and thank yous. I don't want her to be one of those kids that says "I want food" when she is hungry. But to say "Can I please have something to eat?" or for now, "num num please" will work just fine. Since she already knows thank you I know she can do it!
I'm sure she can handle i!
The sound of Darby's laughter in this video would put anyone in a good mood after a long day - thank you Darby!
D is just adorable giggling at her Papa splashing with her in the tub! She is so cute!
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