Thursday, June 4, 2009

Julie Update & D's New Doll

Today Julie's progress has slowed down slightly, but she is still doing well. In order for her to be taken off the ventilator, some of her pain medication has to be reduced - so she has feeling in order to breath properly. Of course this causes lots of pain and discomfort for her. Also, she was so used to breathing with little quick breaths that breathing at a normal pace (with the help of the ventilator) has caused her some anxiety. Yesterday evening when Eric and I were in visiting her she wrote a note to us saying that for so many years she was used to breathing faster that having such controlled slowed down breathing feels odd. It will take some time for her to get used to breathing the right way again.

We are still hopeful that tomorrow she will be taken off the ventilator and breath on her own for the first time in years. If it doesn't happen tomorrow, we will be hopeful that it will be the next day. At any rate, she is still doing well - much better then expected. She is in the most capable hands ever at UCLA Medical Center with the BEST doctors, and has about a million people saying prayers for her!!

While we were at the hospital, Eric found his way into the gift shop. He found the cutest baby doll - that is almost the same size as Darby - and just couldn't pass it up. She has fallen in love with the doll and will not let it go! I can lay her down for her nap with the doll and she holds on to it and doesn't fuss! Today when I laid her down for her nap I snuck back in a took a quick picture, then took one of the baby monitor. It is just took cute not to share with the world!

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M said...

oh my gosh those pictures of Darby are SO cute!!

Still praying for Julie! I can't imagine what a hard surgery that would be to go through!

jill said...

wow that baby monitor is AWESOME!! i must be way out of the latest baby devices loop! haha (ive sworn off baby superstores and online browsing until i or someone i know personally gets pregnant)

still sending lots of positive thoughts to your mil!

Monica said...

Thanks for the update, Annie. Now is when patience comes into play. It sounds like Julie's progress so far is going very well.

Darby is so cute with her new baby!! Those pictures are darling.

Aunt Monica

Mo said...

That is precious!

And coming off the vent only a few days after a double-lung transplant is amazing!