Darby is growing way too fast and into everything. She is standing and balancing on her own! She has taken 2 steps (not holding onto anyone or anything) but hasn't started walking yet - unless she is holding onto her walker toy! When she walks with her walker, she says "weeeee weeee" like she is swinging. She also points to the swing outside and says "weeeee weeee". She does the baby sign for "all done" and says "num num" when she is hungry and wants to eat! (We have always said "num num" for food to her, I don't know why but obviously she picked up on it!) During the day she is always asking for her "papa" and pointing to the backyard. She also points things out to us and says "see?"
I can't believe in just a few weeks she will be 1 and make the step into toddler-hood!
Here is the updated slide show!
Baby S is almost Toddler S! I can't believe it!
I love the 11m pic! It's great!
She is getting so big & just cuter everyday!!
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