Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Darby's First Halloween - Sneek Peek!

Halloween is upon us, and Darby is all set!

We have a lot of kids in our neighborhood and get a lot of trick-or-treaters every year! We always have fun taking turns answering the door and handing out candy. This year will be extra fun with Darby ll dressed up to help us!

Here's a video of Darby modeling her costume. As you'll be able to tell, she was due for a nap! She was a bit fussy!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Just 'Laxin in the Grass!

On Saturday I took Darby out into the backyard for her first time touching grass! It was prickly at first, so she fussed, but I got her to calm down and snapped some pictures. She is by far my favorite subject to take pictures of and I just love doing it!

Another "first" down, up next, Halloween!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Chatty Darby - The Extended Version

I'm not sure why, but the video didn't completely upload to YouTube the first time I posted it on here. So I re-uploaded it again and here it is, in it's entirety. It's a little over 3 minutes long I think!

If you notice by the post time, yes, it is 4:40 in the morning. I don't know what has been up with Darby, but my lovely baby that slept 6 hours straight seems to have disappeared. I want her back desperately! She doesn't even want to sleep in her co-sleeper anymore, which means any chance at a semi good nights sleep is gone for me right now!! I think it might be a number of things - we spent the night away 2 weekends in a row which kind of screwed her sleeping schedule up, she might be on a growth spurt (she wants to eat like all night long!) or she is starting to teethe (she has been drooling up a storm and quite fussy, gnawing on her hand, etc.). I guess it could be a number of things really. (She is talking up a storm right now as she lays next to me on the couch. Hopefully she isn't saying "Wow this being up in the middle of the night stuff is COOL!")

At any rate, here is the extended version of Darby talking and playing in her crib. It's adorable! Enjoy!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Chatty Darby

Here's a little video of Darby discussing her day while she plays in her crib. :-) Enjoy!

Stay tuned for a Halloween sneek peek coming in a few days! Have a good weekend everyone!

Monday, October 20, 2008

3 Months Old and A Pumpkin Farm!

On Friday Darby turned 3 months old! I can't believe it's already been 3 months. They have been the best 3 months ever! Watching her grow and develop is so amazing. In the last month she:
  • Has more control over her hands, and reaches out to touch something if you put it in front of her and puts her hands in her mouth ALL the time!
  • Will look around the room for Mommy and Daddy if someone else is holding her - and smile at us when she finds where we are.
  • Is SO vocal, talking and gabbing all the time.

  • Giggles if you play with her, and in her sleep sometimes!
  • ROLLS OVER! From laying on her back to front.

She just keeps amazing us! Here are some "I am 3 Months Old" pictures -

On Saturday we packed up and went into LA to visit our friends Josh and Angela and to go to a pumpkin farm in Santa Paula. We had so much fun, and so did Darby! I really wanted to go to a pumpkin FARM instead of one of the lame pumpkin patches in parking lots on the roadside they have around here. Growing up in Connecticut we always went to a FARM. I wanted to start this tradition with Darby from the very beginning! Check out the Shutterfly site for more pictures from our pumpkin farm day!

We can't wait until next year!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Darby On The Move!

This morning our little Darby-Doo decided it was time to start rolling over! I'm pretty sure it wasn't the VERY first time she's done it though. On Tuesday she was on her playmat (laying on her back) while I was washing up some dishes and when I walked back into the room, she was on her tummy! I missed it! But today, I was right there for the action and it is just amazing! Of course I ran to get the video camera. She is still a little rusty, as you'll see, but I'm sure before we know it she will be a quick little rolly polly!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Busy Weekend!

Well, this past weekend was a busy but fun one! My sister, Em and brother in law, Andy, flew in for a long weekend visit. So, on Thursday afternoon Darby and I drove down and spent the night with them at my parents house in Redondo. It was the first night Eric was without his 2 girls. Of course we missed getting our good morning/good bye kisses when he left for work, and I know he missed us too! But it was so fun being there when Emi and Andy arrived!

We had such a great weekend with them. They drove back home with us and spent the night on Friday and Saturday. Eric and Andy went to the USC football game on Saturday during the day and Darbs, Emi and I had a girly day. Our girlie day could have been better - unfortunately I had a MAJOR clogged milk duct (I'll spare the details here) and was pretty miserable until around 6pm when I finally got relief and milk shot across the room! (pretty funny, but gross story!) I'm just glad my sister was there with me to help take care of Darby while I dealt with that. Earlier in the day we got coffee and sat at the park, and then went and did a little shopping.
Sunday night Eric, Darby and I spent the night with them at my parents house. It was really fun to spend the extra time with them. Darby loved all the hugs and kisses she got from everyone! Her nap schedule got really screwed up, but it was totally worth it. Hopefully I'll have her back on schedule in the next few days. We did give her a bath, in the bathroom sink!!!
On Monday we all went to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. It was Darby's first look at fish! She seemed to like watching them swim around, she really watches closely! One thing she wasn't too fond of was sitting outside for the sea lion show. She likes to keep on moving! I took a TON of pictures this weekend, here are a few. But be sure to check out Shutterfly site for all the pics!

It was such a fun weekend! Darby wont see her Aunt Emily or Uncle Andy until Christmas now and she can't wait! She had a great time getting smothered by their hugs and kisses!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Quick Nap & An Update

Here are a few pictures of Darby taking a little siesta in her moses basket this morning. I haven't taken a picture laying in it since she was a newborn. I can't believe how much she has grown.

Here are a few pictures when she was a few days old to compare the new ones to.

I can't believe how time is flying. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, time just gets away from me these days!

We are doing well, Darby is just growing so quick! She is trying to pull herself up to sit (head forward like she is doing crunches. I'll have to take a video of it), she will stand while you hold her hands and she responds to you if you talk to her with coo's.

The best news is that she sleeps 6 hours in a row at night! When she does wake up, it's just for a quick snack and then she is back to bed. I am loving that 6 hours in a row of sleep. It is heavenly!

She also puts herself to sleep at night in her co-sleeper. We have a nightly routine I call the 3 B's. Bath, Boobies and Bed. Always in that order! She loves bath time and I really think it helps relax her before I swaddle her up and feed her! Once her tummy is all full I put her in her co-sleeper, she usually looks around the room for a few minutes and before I know it she's out. Such a good baby.

We do have the occasional night where she forgets and is up more often, and fussy. That doesn't happen often though!

We are so excited this Thursday Darby's Aunt Emily and Uncle Andrew are coming to visit! My sister was here for the birth, but my brother in law was not so we can't wait to introduce him to his little niece. We will be sure to take some pictures to share with all of you!