Well, this past weekend was a busy but fun one! My sister, Em and brother in law, Andy, flew in for a long weekend visit. So, on Thursday afternoon Darby and I drove down and spent the night with them at my parents house in
Redondo. It was the first night Eric was without his 2 girls. Of course we missed getting our good morning/good bye kisses when he left for work, and I know he missed us too! But it was so fun being there when
Emi and Andy arrived!

We had such a great weekend with them. They drove back home with us and spent the night on Friday and Saturday. Eric and Andy went to the
USC football game on Saturday during the day and
Emi and I had a
girly day. Our girlie day could have been better -
unfortunately I had a MAJOR clogged milk duct (I'll spare the details here) and was pretty miserable until around 6pm when I finally got relief and milk shot
across the room! (pretty funny, but gross story!) I'm just glad my sister was there with me to help take care of Darby while I
dealt with that. Earlier in the day we got coffee and sat at the park, and then went and did a little shopping.
Sunday night Eric, Darby and I spent the night with them at my parents house. It was really fun to spend the extra time with them. Darby loved all the hugs and kisses she got from everyone! Her nap schedule got really screwed up, but it was totally worth it. Hopefully I'll have her back on schedule in the next few days. We did give her a bath, in the bathroom sink!!!

On Monday we all went to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. It was Darby's first look at fish! She seemed to like watching them swim around, she really watches closely! One thing she wasn't too fond of was sitting outside for the
sea lion show. She likes to keep on moving! I took a TON of pictures this weekend, here are a few. But be sure to check out
Shutterfly site for all the pics!

It was such a fun weekend! Darby wont see her Aunt Emily or Uncle Andy until Christmas now and she can't wait! She had a great time getting
smothered by their hugs and kisses!!